
Did you know, you already have all the tools you need, to be healthy, happy, creative - all those really valuable parts of life. You don’t have to buy anything, you can start doing it, right now.

My guests today Angie & Shane Saunders are founders of Breathe Me. They’re Award Winning Authors, and host their own Podcast The Breathing Edge.

Shane’s experience starts with 13 Years in the Australian Defence Force. Military training at the highest level, SAS, tactical assault, special forces, and military duty in the Middle East. Angie left working in LA with some of Hollywood’s top producers, to start a new life in Australia.

They left their old lives behind to teach people how to use breath, to literally change the way you live. And I’ve seen this in action myself, so I know it works.

Learning to breathe, if you’re new to doing more than just what comes naturally, might seem a bit crazy. So, I just ask you to have an open mind, and let’s uncover the secrets together.

You can connect with Angie & Shane through their free online training

Or, via their Facebook page and website

For a quick teaser…check out this video

Listen to the full episode …


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