
Dreaming of starting your own business?

That dream can turn into a nightmare if you miss these critical steps!

Hi Dreamer 😊

You’ve come up with an excellent idea for a business. You and your friends reckon it’s a winner. Wow, firstly, congrats! Because half the battle is coming up with the idea.

But before you give up your day job, there are some crucial steps you need turn your idea into reality.

That's why I've developed this package. It's taken 30 years of my own start-up adventures and helping countless others to develop this just for you.

In the Ultimate Start-up Package you’ll get…

  • Me, Judy, as your personal guide with Zoom calls to work through your specific needs.
  • Easy-to-follow Workbook and Video series, covering the main steps.
  • Market research questions written just for you.
  • Using our ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ story template, you’ll communicate your idea to shape your marketing.
  • Market Potential Calculator. Our exclusive tool, gives you a clear view of your business income potential.
  • You’ll also receive a free Bonus Subscription to Heartbeat, our monthly Vital Signs of customer trends, attitudes, and values.
  • Plus, I’m always available via email to help with questions.

This would normally cost you $3000, but I know what it’s like to start a business, so I’m cutting that in half to $1,499 NZD


My Personal Guarantee

When you sign up for the Ultimate Start-Up Package, you’ll be directed to book a 15 minute Kick-Off chat with me. This is an opportunity to get to know each other, but I also want to make sure I can help you.

If I don’t feel I can help, then I’ll refund your payment. If you don’t think I can help you, I’ll refund you. This is a commitment I take seriously. It’s your future, and I want to do everything I can to make it as positive as possible.

Have you clearly defined the customer need?

Every new business must meet a customer need. Nothing earth-shattering about that. You most likely came up with the idea because you saw a customer need from your own perspective. But if only it was that easy, we’d see way fewer business failures.

It’s why we help you to gather the right feedback. Asking the wrong questions will give you the wrong answers. And if you make decisions on them, well, let’s just say your business journey gets more complicated.

Once you have a clearer picture of the customer’s need and their emotional reason for buying from you, that shapes your business.

As we say...

Marketing is the heart of Business

Customers are the heart of Marketing

Trust is the heart of Customers

The point is, to be successful in business, you need to understand what marketing is and how important it is in your business ecosystem.

Marketing is not your website or your social media presence or advertising. They are just tools.

Suppose you want your business to fulfil your dreams and provide you with a source of income that satisfies your personal desires. In that case, you need to start on a solid footing. One that's grounded in your customers. Everything else flows from that.

There a bucket of personal emotions tied up with starting a business. 

And if it goes wrong, it’s very stressful. The sleepless nights, the embarrassment of failure. I’ve experienced it all. And it doesn’t matter how many people pat you on the back and say, “at least you gave it a try”. It doesn’t change anything.

It’s why I put this package together. I have way too many case studies of start ups that get it wrong.

So make a commitment today, one that will shape your future. You’ve got nothing to lose, but a future to gain. All backed with my guarantee.

This package is designed to challenge your thinking to make it even better.

So many ideas spring from you personally or maybe from a conversation with your life partner or friend.

Either way, the issue is that it’s a narrow focus. In many cases, you have similar thinking, there’s a common ground that brought you together in the first place.

But you need someone from the outside to look at it from a different perspective.

It’s one of the reasons why market research is so important. There are so many case studies of companies of all sizes who followed an idea the team fell in love with. For it then to fail when it went to market. Mainly because they were so passionate, they closed their mind to potential issues. Or they asked the wrong questions when gathering feedback from potential customers.

I’ve taken all these lessons and turned them into steps in my Ultimate Start-Up Package. Of course, there are no guarantees in business. There are just too many moving parts. But what I have learnt over the years is that the foundation needs to be solid. And that’s what this package is designed to do.

Unique Market Potential Calculator

This brand-new resource created from 30 years of experience is exclusive to ThriveableBiz.

Accept this invitation and it’s yours.

A real story…

I was talking to a lady I met at a networking meeting recently. She shared that her husband had an idea for a new business. But she was stressed about potentially losing money.

I then had the opportunity to meet with them both. He shared his idea, and I jumped in with how I’d love to use his service, and I shared how I would use it. But they both cut me off. “Oh, no, we wouldn’t do that”. So they missed the opportunity to understand what their potential customers would like to experience. Of course, I’m just one person. But they could have taken that idea I shared and explored it further. You must understand what would motivate someone to buy.

Just because a particular way would be easier for you, or you reckon you're right, doesn’t mean it’s what the customer wants. It’s your job to understand the needs and develop a product or service that meets them.

That’s why market research is so critical. But it’s in the way you ask. You must identify their problems, what pain they have that you solve.

This example isn’t unique. So many start-ups become fixated on their idea, and as a result, they won’t budge, even when the evidence tells them otherwise.

If you have an open mind and are prepared to challenge your thinking, then let’s work together to shape your future.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your idea. The Pathway is the same. Every business must start with their customers at the heart.

Money is tight when you’re starting out …

I know, I’ve been in your shoes. In fact with one of my earlier start-ups, I went straight into developing the message. I worked with a small agency to help build my website, so all my money went into that. However, the problem only presented itself later, when all we heard were crickets. I spent over $20k following to the letter everything I was told to do by the agency. Yet I got nothing from it.

I now know that I missed the vital steps. The not so sexy stuff like gathering market intelligence and talking to potential customers by asking them the right questions - that unearth the real need.

So learn from my mistakes. At $1,499 NZD it’s a small price to pay to build your foundation.

Here’s everything you get in this package – worth a total $3,000.00NZ.

  • I'll be your personal guide with Zoom calls to work through your specific needs. 100% confidential. 
  • Easy-to-follow Workbook and Video series, covering the main steps.
  • Market research questions written just for you. This alone is valued at $1000.
  • Using our ‘fill-in-the-blanks’ story template, you’ll  communicate your idea to shape your marketing.
  • Market Potential Calculator. Our exclusive tool to give you a clear view of your business income potential.
  • You’ll also receive a free Bonus Subscription to Heartbeat, our monthly Vital Signs of customer trends, attitudes, and values.
  • Plus, I’m always available via email to help with questions.

Today, you only pay $1,499NZD

I think you'll agree, that's a small amount to pay to get it right.

So please, don’t delay.

Set your business idea on the fast track to success.

I'm looking forward to helping you on your journey.

Judy Celmins 

If you see your future beyond tomorrow, then stop trying to go back to the past. There’s a bright future ahead for anyone who chooses to embrace it.

Let’s Do It Together!

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