Marketing Training for Your Business.
ThriveableBiz has two marketing training programs registered with the Regional Business Partner Network.
However, a level of flexibility is built into each program that allows for customisation to your needs.
The best way to work out what's right for you is to have a chat with Judy

Marketing that connects with your audience and drives them to take action is the outcome of this one-on-one training. It’s a tailored program, covering aspects like understanding your target and why they buy. You’ll define your purpose and point of difference, taking that through to writing engaging copy. This removes you from playing the no-win pricing game. Instead, you add real value, which sets you apart from competitors. Click here to find out more.
Regional Business Partner Network
Small businesses may qualify for vouchers to help pay (50%) for services such as this training that build the management capabilities of their owners, operators and key managers.
Management Capability Development Vouchers are only available through the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP) Growth Advisors.
Vouchers may be provided to a business where the Growth Advisors have identified a need for management training as part of an action plan to support the business owner to grow and innovate their business. For more information on the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund or to find your local Growth Advisor go to
You can also schedule a confidential chat with Judy to discuss your needs and introduce you to your local RBP Advisor.

Training Outline
This training is what every business needs to connect and engage with its audience, so they always come back for more.
It takes you from being stuck in the pack with competitors to standing out for the right reasons.
Marketing is more than writing an advertisement. It’s the foundation of your entire business - why you’re in business and what problems you solve for your customers.
During this training, you’ll learn how to gain that deeper understanding.
You will also have access to our exclusive Market Potential Calculator. We built this to help businesses identify whether an idea is worth the investment.
This training has been developed from lessons learned from owning small businesses and mentoring countless others over the past 30 years. And comes from our award-winning book Marketing = Customers + Heart.
The training will take place via Zoom or, as appropriate, face-to-face. The timing will be based on your needs, either over one month or spread over three.
Whether you’re a start-up or a long-standing business, if you want to move to the next level, you need a deeper understanding of customers and how to turn that into growth.
Click on the button below to schedule a chat with Judy to see if this is right for you.
About Judy
I'm passionate about marketing strategy. Understanding what works, discovering trends, generating fresh ideas.
I know from deep experience how marketing is the heart of any business. And making that heartbeat stronger is THE fundamental centre of all business planning.
I've built and operated a wide variety of innovative businesses. Including retail, service, event management, and market research.
I'm most proud of our new book Marketing = Customers + Heart – How to build your small business growth strategy.
We wrote it so others could benefit from our experience. And pretty chuffed by winning a gold award and receiving rave reviews.
So, if marketing is stressing you out, reach out to me to chat about your needs, with no obligation.

What is the Thriveable Pathway©?
We have a wide variety of tools and techniques to navigate through your specific situation and challenges.
This is NOT one rigid package that wastes your time and money on activity of no relevance to you.
It IS a series of logical, flexible steps that we’ve used for over 30 years to help many types of businesses grow their customers and sales.

We can design a personalised Thriveable Pathway© for you from our resources of interactive workbooks, videos, checklists, tip-sheets, and templates to guide you to your most profitable destination.
To follow at your own pace and budget, and use over & over again as your situation changes.
Addressing the key areas of…
Engagement Method©
You can’t provide what customers want without understanding Why they buy.
It’s fundamental to doing business. Yet, how you gather this information is critical. You’ll get cold responses if you send out a cold survey.
But warm it up with the Engagement Method© and your responses are more emotive. And it’s the emotion that connects with your audience.
We developed this technique over years of experiments. And you can benefit. Reach out to us to find out how.

Check out our Free-Stuff
We're created loads of materials you can check out for free, including Tip-Sheets, Podcasts, Videos and Articles. Check them out. 😊