
creating breakthrough marketing

Growing your business means putting the customer at your heart. 

A creative customer-focused strategic plan is the foundation of a ThriveableBiz®

marketing ideas for small business


Stop wheel spinning and getting frustrated.

Create new marketing ideas to surprise & delight your customers.


Find your idea for a new business in easy steps.

Match opportunities with your skills.


Help overwhelmed clients build customer relationships.

Create new marketing ideas based on their needs.

I want to get this off my chest...

Every day I see advertising or social media posts that do NOTHING for the business except waste time and money.

So, I want to share the most important marketing rule:

Customers don't care WHAT you do - they only want to know WHY they would buy from you.

I've been doing this for a while, and I can tell you it's not easy. But get it right, and your marketing will breakthrough.

I've run my own retail, service and event companies, plus, lost count of how many businesses I've been able to help, and I want to help you.

All you need to do is click on the link above and schedule a time to chat. See you soon, Judy

Judy's appearance on the "I am CEO" podcast

The episode has been re-edited and released for a second time as one of "I am CEO" favorites.

What Our Clients Say


The training has helped immensely!

The training has helped immensely! Trying new things all the time, and we know whose brain to pick if we have

Hamish Reid , Owner - PKME Innovations

Clear and concise recommendations

Eriks is tremendous to work with, he has a remarkable ability to distil very complex strategic or tactical challenges into very clear and concise recommendations and actions. It would not be possible for me to endorse him any more highly.

Dan Bradley , Director / Content Director

Saved myself thousands in marketing fees.

I just want to say a massive thank you to Judy for the training so far, from what I
have learned I have been able to create my own website for the new side hustle I have going on. Then showing someone's website with a booking system and how that can benefit your business which I have done, + all the info I have learned about SEO, think I have saved myself thousands in marketing fees!

Kirstie Marie , Side Hustle

Stay ahead of your competition

His business really makes sense in this modern world where the distance between management and the customer continues to widen. Only by truly being in direct contact with our consumers will we be able to remain relevant in the modern world. Eriks gives us the opportunity to do exactly that in a meaningful and cost-effective manner.

Morris Shanahan , Owner

More Patience

The training has been wonderful. I try things now with a lot more patience whereas before I would have thought
it was too hard or would have given up.

Mary Hurrell

Track record of working with winning teams & brands.

He is a world leader in understanding the science of research and audience insights, Eriks has a massive brain and his ability to listen, challenge, and collaborate to set a strategic plan is what sets him apart. His track record of working with winning teams and brands speaks for itself and is now, legendary.

Dean Buchanan , Group Director - Entertainment NZME

Helpful and Inspiring

Many thanks Judy as you have been very helpful and inspiring

Glenis Youngman , On an adventure

Identifying Market Gaps & Opportunities

I highly recommend Judy Celmins without any hesitation as a marketing strategist that gets results. She has extensive knowledge across various industries and has played a vital role in redefining my business model. Judy's innovative approach enables her to comprehend and present any product or service in a manner that strongly resonates with consumers.

But what has stood out to me most is her talent in identifying market gaps and opportunities - and how to engage with that audience. She is also just lovely with huge energy, so very lucky she is my business mentor.

Jacqueline Eade , Owner

I'm a lot more confident!

The course has enabled me to be able to increase my knowledge in digital applications. I'm a lot
more confident on my computer and will attempt a new task myself. In the past I would have
asked for help much sooner. My in depth understanding is much deeper now.

Helen Pidwerbesky , Owner - Neat Spaces

It is an approach that has worked like nothing else

I have been a business owner since 2017, running a business, attracting clients, marketing and
social media presence was something I knew nothing about, over the years I have been enrolled
and attended many other online and in person seminars always with various results. Since
undertaking the ThriveableBiz marketing course I have been so impressed with the content and
support from Judy. It is an approach that has worked like nothing else I have
undertaken before. Each week you are genuinely excited about what the course offers, what you
can learn and practical ways to implement in the business. Honestly, if this type of course
material was available to me in the beginning I could have saved years of fumbling and


Great Communicator

Judy is a great communicator, is up front, open hearted and holds a vast amount of experience in business, sales and marketing.

We've been working together for almost a year and needless to say, her input has been invaluable!

I've recently started undertaking training in sales and found even one session illuminated several of my "work ons" which had immediate an immediate effect on my sales success!

Highly recommended!

Anthony Light , Lead Designer

Updated my digital skills

Who knew there was so much to learn?! Seriously, I am enjoying the course and the topics are
making more and more sense to me as we build up our knowledge. I have found myself noticing how
other people's sites work (or not), so I must be learning.

Awesome work team.

Jo Buckner

Wouldn't have done this without the training.

Facebook content calendar in place and also some templates we have designed to give a consistent look to our posts.
Find the calendar a great tool to make you sit down and plan. Not just the post content but also
logistics such as ingredients / till changes etc but also the team comms regarding the 'why',
'who' 'when' and 'how' regarding our post.
Wouldn't have done this without your training Judy.


Your thoughts and experience around all of digital marketing things are where the real value is!

Thanks that was a massive session with heaps of ideas and resources. Lots to think about in conjunction
with the persona work and who we want to work with and how they engage and.... the 50 other things you
are getting us to think about. Your thoughts and experience around all of digital marketing things are where
the real value is! I am very grateful to be on the course.


Tested Techniques

Using these methods and techniques, I've been able to turn two mediocre performing hotels into the top performers in their market.

Robin McAdam , Owner/Operator Port Douglas Apartments

I Learned So Much

Judy, thank you for all of the help you have given me as I have learnt so much from you and has really made me think a lot more about the future of the business.

Daniel Martin , Future Business Owner

I understand a lot more now how to utilise my online presence more effectively.

I have found the ThriveableBiz training really beneficial. I have already implemented much of what I have learnt, and there is still more to do. Knowing I can go back to those topics and watch the recorded session at any time is reassuring, and I know I can implement as I need them. Thank you Judy for facilitating such a great course. It has definitely helped me. I understand a lot more now how to utilise my online presence more effectively. I've learned so much that I have put in place or have a plan to put in place.


Eriks is a great thinker.

I've had the honour of knowing Eriks for over 20 years and lucky enough to have his wisdom to draw upon professionally for many of those years. Eriks is a great thinker, an excellent strategist, and asks the right questions - of audiences and of you as a 'client'. On a personal level, Eriks is one of the kindest, most empathetic people. A wonderful man to know.

Jason Staveley , Head of Music GOLD104.3 & WSFM

Combination of left and right brain thinking

Eriks is a unique combination of left and right brain thinking. He has the focus and analytical skills to drive any research project, combined with years of programming tier 1 radio stations that allows him to speak the language of today's content creators. I love working with him.

Craig Bruce , Craig Bruce Coaching

Does this sound familiar?

  • FRUSTRATED because your marketing isn’t working.
  • OVERWHELMED by piles of information on what you should do.
  • STUCK on a problem, with no solution.
  • WASTED advertising $$, but unsure how to fix.

Now you can methodically untangle your issues in easy steps, by following our Thriveable Pathway©

Break through the 'same old, same old' to a new world of freedom!

Work with us and become a ThriveableBiz!

I get it, you need to know what you're up for before you talk to us. But the reality is that we've never had two clients that fit into a standard box. We work with many businesses and start-ups at all growth-cycle stages. So it might be a simple review you need. Or a training session for your team to do it in-house, or the full service. 

It's about what's right for you. 

Do It For You

We don’t know what’s right for you until we understand your concerns and where you want to go.

However, it often starts with a Market Analysis, the depth of this work is flexible. But this is key to mapping out your path.

Next, in many instances, we move on to gathering Insights. This can be with customers, your team or both.

This is such a valuable step, but what we do with the information makes us different.

We’ve developed a technique we call the Insights Story. That’s the narrative that will shape all your communication strategies.

Everything above feeds our creativity. This is the fun bit and is usually where most businesses want to start. But creativity supported by the above is what connects to your audience. That's breakthrough marketing.

Empowering With Training

Take control of your marketing. 

Our training is perfect for any size business and can be undertaken by the owner or a team member.

They are delivered both online and face-to-face.

Programs start from as little as $1000.

They are not about making you an expert, but they give you ownership of the process, so you can make better decisions.

I've been in meetings where people quote the training. That is so cool to see their learnings in action.

Learn more about our training programs - customised for your specific needs.

marketing ideas for small business


  • Build stronger Customer Relationships
  • Discover their Unmet Needs
  • Identify new Opportunities
  • Match with your Superpower.
  • Market the Breakthrough-Story


  • Sense-check your Dream
  • Search for Unmet Needs
  • Match Superpower with Opportunity
  • Generate Breakthrough Ideas
  • Pitch your Concept-Story


  • Help Clients engage with Customers
  • Discover Unmet Needs & Opportunities
  • Generate Breakthrough Ideas
  • Create a Clear Action-Plan
  • Build a Trusting Client Relationship

What’s Your ROI?

  • Time saved agonising over and/or debating marketing decisions with your team. The roadmap is your filter for not only what to do next - but also what to avoid. So you don’t go off on tangents of no value to your customer needs. This can also apply to your business in general, as your customer is at the heart of everything you do.
  • Resources saved on wasteful advertising content and messaging that do nothing to a) drive your point-of-difference and b) create an emotional connection with your customers in their ever-changing world. Transactional ‘commodity’ advertising is the killer of a small business when it’s a discounting war with competitors that eats at your profit margins. Think about this – if you can insert your competitor’s name in your ads and it fits, then you’re a commodity. With no value but price, and no customer loyalty.  
  • Long-term buffer against the storms of change. It’s not just Covid - life in the 20s will be buffeted by various influences. E.g. climate change, geopolitical conflict, social division, and the economy. So instead of being on the back foot, reacting to events, take control. When you have a roadmap, you can be proactive. Plan for change ahead of time and quickly adapt. Because you already know the priorities and actions for protecting your customer relationships and business.

Put Customers at the Heart of your Business

Consider the timeless wise words of management guru Peter Drucker who said “there is only one purpose for a business, and that is to create a customer … the customer is the foundation of the business and keeps it in existence. They alone give employment.”

Making a profit depends on how well you look after your customers. Therefore, understanding what motivates someone to purchase from you is your number one priority.

What are their needs, how do you solve their problems, how do you surprise and delight them?

Customer Experience (or CX) is a common term for systems that help you ensure that people’s service and delivery expectations are met when they begin a purchase process with you. That everything runs smoothly so they get exactly WHAT they want, WHEN and HOW they want it.

ThriveableBiz - Put customers at the heart of your business

Which all makes sense, as long as you do your homework first on WHY they want it. There’s no point in committing valuable resources to a system that’s out of step with your overall goals. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of excellent execution of a weak strategy.

Instead, imagine having a rock-solid, well-researched plan that includes an analysis of your market, the latest insights into customer behaviour and motivations, and a roadmap for growth.

This is the core of our Thriveable Pathway© to Breakthrough Marketing program. Tailored specifically for your needs and budget.

Let’s chat and map it out for you!

Ready, Fire, Aim!

A common reason why a marketing campaign fails is the lack of a big-picture plan. The roadmap of WHERE your business is going, WHY it matters to your customers, and HOW you’ll achieve your goals.

Advertising planning often jumps straight into channel selection – with assumptions about customer needs. But without the discipline of a roadmap, there’s a high risk of blindly rushing in. Throwing ideas and money at the situation until something sticks, as the funnel turns into a financial black hole.

You also miss out on the real motivations behind customer behaviour and new opportunities when their needs change.

Thriveable Pathway by ThriveableBiz

The result is being dragged into a ‘race to the bottom’ discount war with competitors. That does nothing for building stronger customer relationships and your point-of-difference value beyond price. These are the essential ingredients of a growing revenue stream. You control value and price on your terms – not dictated by your competitors.

Our Thriveable Pathway© to Breakthrough Marketing program ensures your advertising hits the target.

It's a learning & growing experience to share with your team and collaborators, for the long-term, future health of your business.

What is the Thriveable Pathway©?

We have a wide variety of tools and techniques to navigate through your specific situation and challenges.

This is NOT one rigid package that wastes your time and money on activity of no relevance to you.

It IS a series of logical, flexible steps that we’ve used for over 30 years to help many types of businesses grow their customers and sales.

marketing ideas for small business Take Control - Regain your freedom - ThriveableBiz

We can design a personalised Thriveable Pathway© for you from our resources of interactive workbooks, videos, checklists, tip-sheets, and templates to guide you to your most profitable destination.

To follow at your own pace and budget, and use over & over again as your situation changes.

Addressing the key areas of…

  • Building stronger customer relationships.
  • Discovering unmet customer needs.
  • Identifying potential opportunities.
  • Matching opportunities with your Superpower capabilities.
  • Generating targeted new ideas.
  • Creating a marketing story that resonates with customers.

Our clients see us as their 'secret weapon' - here are just a few of them. 

RW Design

Our Core Belief

Marketing is the heart of Business

Customers are the heart of Marketing

Trust is the heart of Customers

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